Tuesday, September 24, 2013

If you are checking this out from KICKSTARTER or coming over as a Facebook friend or someone I met at FALLCON recently, here's the deal.  You can read a complete 24 page comic book here, just scroll down to the first post and then read the posts in order.  ROBOT JUNGLE GIRL was an experiment in style, drawing more in ink, mostly with the blunt end of a Zig Memory Writer marker.  It was also something I hoped to find a publisher for.  I didn't and I was frustrated with the style by the end so for multiple reasons, including what was going on in my life at the time, the project was dropped.  Another dropped project was the CTHULHU PUNK SUNDAY PAGE, again for uninteresting reasons that would take too long to detail here, but if you are interested in my work I do recommend that you take a look at that too.  ( there too scroll down to the first post and if in doubt check the date on the post.) I hope this is helpful and I invite you to check out my new project PUNK ROCK COMICS # 1 on Kickstarter- this is a project that is almost complete and WILL NOT be abandoned so if you are so inclined please check it out, consider a donation or even better SHARE it with your social media friends.  Donations are great but SHARES are as much or more appreciated and cost you nothing!