If that ending seems a little abrupt, this was supposed to be a 6 page chapter, but I want to publish the new pages before "SPRINGCON" the big Twin Cities Comic con. which is the day after tomorrow--MAY 15 & 16, 2010. Come on down if you're in the area! St. Paul fairgrounds.
Size adjustment tip: after you click on the pages and click again to magnify, if the picture is too big for easy reading use Command - (minus).
Click on pages to enlarge, then click again to magnify to full size!
I have no intention of boring you with a lot of text. This is a free comic, with new chapters coming out at least every month and hopefully every 3 weeks or so. So welcome, bookmark, subscribe or just remember, but keep checking back for more and more fabulousness.
My pledge to you, there will never be as few pages here as there are now.
I have been on the fringe of the comics business for more than a decade. I am probably best know for the "adult" comics I did for Fantagraphics and Carnal Comics featuring THE CRIMSON GASH. I created THE MINNEAPOLIS FREE COMIC which predated webcomics by years.